Saturday, October 23, 2010

Recovery Progession Pictures

Here is a day-by-day progression of Danny's recovery. He is making silly faces in a lot of the pictures because it is hard to take pictures of a busy two-year-old boy.

Sept 29th-Before Surgery

Sept 29th-After Surgery

Sept 30th

Oct 1st

This one is Oct 2nd while his was asleep. I'd tried to do other sleeping ones but he usually gets mad and squeezes his eye shut. It acually is a little more closed than this now.

Oct 2nd

Oct 3rd

Oct 4th

Oct 5th

Oct 6th

also Oct 6th. You can see how the face he is making or the position he is in makes a difference to how his eye looks.

Oct 10th

Most of the time his eyes look pretty even. When he is looking certain directions or making certain faces it is more obvious that they are not exactly the same. We have the post-op appointment with the surgeon just before Thanksgiving. I'll update again after that.

1 comment:

Lynnlynns said...

I just came upon your blog. All of your pictures brought back so many memories! My son had his first surgery at the age of 3, oh so similar to what you show & describe. Right down to the snuggle pic after surgery! His scars are even in the same places. He is now a happy, healthy 12 year old. As you've been told, he will need more surgery but right now we are letting him help make any major choices & so far so good! Good luck to you and your beautiful son!!!