Friday, July 2, 2010

Round Two

Danny turns two this month. His eyelid has been getting progressively droopier. Today we went to the opthamologist for the first time in a year. As expected, Dr. Hoffman suggested he undergo surgery again soon. He said Danny's eyelid is almost to the point where it will be affecting his vision. So far, though, it has not. They dilated his eyes and the doctor said his vision looks symmetrical, so that's great. It means he sees just as well out of both eyes.

Here are some pictures from the appointment:

We see the surgeon on July 21st so I'll update then.
We are scheduled for surgery on September 29th.

The surgeon said it will be very similar to the original surgery. If they can just shorten the sling, which it sounded like was his plan, they will only raise it a millimeter. He did say that sometimes they need to replace the whole sling but he didn't sound like he thought he had to do that with Danny. He told us that when they put in the muscle (fascia lata) from the leg around 4-yrs-old (yes, he did change the age), they take some of the puffiness out of the eyelid which allows the eye to open more.

The surgeon did give us some insight about getting the eyes to be symmetrical. He said that raising one eyebrow is not a natural thing to do, so unless Danny really wants to see something he is not going to make the effort. Some parents really want the eyes symmetrical and the only was to do that is to kill the good muscle in the other eye and put slings on both sides. He said he doesn't recommended it and it goes against his medical ethics to destroy good tissue, but about 10 percent of parents choose to do it. He suggests leaving your child the choice when they are old enough to make it.